Associate Matters


Summary of the Savvy-CFO Associate Agreement

What are the financial benefits of becoming an Associate at Savvy-CFO?

Check out our Associate's Income Comparison Calculator HERE and see for yourself! 

Are Associates Employees of Savvy-CFO?

No, each Associate is self-employed.

As professionals, they are engaged to perform perform accounting and consulting related services (the "Services") as outlined in their unique Associate Agreement with Savvy-CFO to clients of Savvy-CFO.  They are responsible for, and have full control of, how the Services are conducted, without immediate supervision or direction from Savvy-CFO.

This includes the responsibility on their part for all basic tools required to provide Services including, without limitation, office space, computer hardware and software, telephone and operating systems, office supplies and incidentals thereto.

Associates agree to provide services to Clients of  Savvy-CFO in accordance with the Terms outlined by each Engagement Agreement that they are part of that Savvy-CFO has with the Client.

Are Associates free to do work for Non-Clients of Savvy-CFO? 

Yes, Associates may do work for non-clients of Savvy-CFO.

They are, however, required to agree not to engage in or be interested in (directly or indirectly as principal, agent, shareholder, partner, or in any other capacity) any other business or position which would adversely affect the proper performance of their Services to Savvy-CFO.

They are also required to agree to standard non-solicitation clauses related to Clients, staff, vendors, and other Associates of Savvy-CFO.

They are also required generally not to interfere with any of the custom, trade, business patronage or employees of Savvy-CFO.

How are Associates Compensated for their Services?

Associates receive 85% of all billings collected by Savvy-CFO in any given month from Engagements to which they are associated. 

Are there any costs to an Associate for being part of Savvy-CFO?

Associates pay a fixed fee, currently set at $30,000 per year. 

Known as a "Desk Fee", this is to compensate Savvy-CFO for providing:

  • The Savvy-CFO “Tech Stack” - All the tools required to operate efficiently and effectively are provided by Savvy-CFO; and

  • Operation of Savvy BI:

    • Management;

    • Marketing;

    • Sales;

    • Finance

    • Human Resources; and

    • Client Administration

    • Office Administration.

What if I'm starting out and building my Savvy-CFO Revenue Stream?

Savvy-CFO provides an alternative payment plan, known as the "Starter Plan"

The Starter Plan places the Desk Fee on a strictly variable basis until the annual maximum has been paid, as follows:

Desk Fee per Month Revenue Split % Annual Revenue
$0.00 60% < $100,000
$0.00 70% $100,000 - $149,999
$0.00 80% > $150,000