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Podcast Episode 1 - Nick Wagner

Nick Wagner, Co-Founder of Premise LED, in 10 short years took the Company from concept to an 8 digit financial transaction. Listen to hear his secrets.

Podcast Cover Art - CFOs Diary - Pathways to Growth


Business isn't just about numbers. While they play a role in success, without a foundation of values, humility, and a willingness to learn from people, numbers alone are of little value.

Consider Nick Wagner, an entrepreneur from Ontario, who achieved financial success by prioritizing a human-centered approach to business. Alongside his co-founder at Premise LED, Nick's dedication to fostering relationships led to rapid growth, gaining a competitive edge, and eventually, a lucrative buyout. All this for a guy who hasn’t been in a classroom since he was a teenager.
Nick attributes his achievements to the connections he cultivated, whether with his partner, team members, or customers. For him, success wasn't just about making money, although he certainly did. It was also about collaborating with others, understanding their perspectives, and embracing valuable lessons from each encounter. Balancing employee and customer satisfaction while staying true to your principles isn't always easy, but Nick was determined to do so.
In this episode of A CFO’s Diary -  Pathways to Growth, Nick shares why real relationships were pivotal to his journey and how he remained steadfast in his values even during challenging times. And as he reflects upon his career and business trajectory, he’ll share his three main takeaways from his experiences that would benefit anyone pondering their own entrepreneurial path in life. 


  1. Getting into sales (1:25)
  2. Starting CORE, which became Premise LED (4:29)
  3. The importance of partnerships (7:02)
  4. Saying no and building a team to succeed (10:24)
  5. Getting ready for an exit (17:49)6 - Don enters the picture and time to sell the company (20:10)
  6. Nick’s three pieces of advice for business success (25:53)

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